Tag Archives: Sayyidina Ali
Ghadir khum and afdaliyyat
How do we reconcile between the narrations on the afdaliyyat of the shaykhayn and the declaration of Ghadir Khum? Continue reading
Imamah of Sayyidina Ali alaihis Salaam
I had 4 dreams of Sayyidina Ali and in 2 of them they wore a green turban with which was covering their shoulders and side of the face….is that how they really wore the turban? Continue reading
Who is the new Shaykh of the Golden Chain?
Like everyone, I am deeply saddened by the loss of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q). Out of respect for him, I am enquiring to find out with which physically living Shaykh my baya and rabita should lie. Continue reading
Question on Ahlul Aba
Whole world is under ahlul aba which is Muhammed (s) Ali (A) Fatema (A) Hasan (A) and Hussain (A) and they are so important in whole universe, yet Imam Ali is 4th khalifah and not 1st, how come? Continue reading
Nahjul Balagha
I want to learn about Ali (ra). Where do I start? Nahjul Balagha? Are there many versions of it? Which version is better? Is there a Shia, Sunni or Sufi version? Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Hisham and his ancestry
In the dream, I asked MSH to send me the shajara of his ancestors. And his lineage was going all the way up to Sayyidina Ali (ra)… Continue reading
Sayyidina Ali’s Battle
Which war (name of the war) was it when Sayyiduna Ali (Radiallahu tala anhu) let… Continue reading
Dream: Waterfall
My mother dreamt she was with her friend Maryam near a waterfall, and me and my brothers of the dergah were behind them… Continue reading