Tag Archives: Sayyidina Muhyidin ibn `Arabi
Sultan Selim
Our Shaykh recently gave a sohbet talking about Sultan Selim IV… Continue reading
Imam al-Madhi’s khalifahs
I had read somewhere (or perhaps heard) a number of years ago that Shaykh ul-Akbar Ibn ‘Arabi mentioned that when the Mahdi appears… Continue reading
Please let us know what is Wahdat-al-Wajud and Wahdat-al-Shahood. Continue reading
Dream: Absurd dreams with something inside?
Ô Mawlana, I left France for Indonesia for almost a year now, and I am starting to make very absurd dreams since… Continue reading
Dream: Vision on Ijaaza
I imagined myself in the tomb of Sheikh Ibn Arabi RA and requesting Ijaaza for reading Hizb Al-Wiqaya… Continue reading
Dream: Fear for a baby boy falling down
My mother had a dream that 2nd son is born to my father’s friend. My mother sees him and says he is fairer than the first one… Continue reading
Ruby gemstone
qI was wondering what is the spiritual significance of the ruby gemstone? Once, I saw S. Ibrahim (as.) in a dream and he gave me 2 similar perfectly cutted rubies… Continue reading
Robin Hood – a Muslim?
I was born in Nottingham, UK – famous for Robin Hood… Continue reading
Dream: Ruh al-quds
A few years ago I had a dream in two parts. At the very end of the dream I heard a voice saying: “Ask for help from Ruh’ul-Quds by means of Ibn Arabi.” Continue reading