Tag Archives: silver
Prayer Request: Silver Coins – Seized by UK Customs
I am trying to follow MSN’s (May Allah give him long, healthy life) and converting my savings into silver. Continue reading
Seeing white light and feeling energyVoir une lumière blanche et sentir de l’énergie
I am seeing a white celestial silver light since May 2002 … Recent months high energy level increasing inside my head like powerful water, making a thoughtless situation very easy.[fr]Je vois une lumière blanche argentée depuis May 2002…Ces derniers mois, un haut niveau d’énergie s’accumule dans ma tête comme une eau avec un puissant débit,[/fr] Continue reading
Fana Fillah and Baqabillah
Kindly give me some information about these two stages. Continue reading
Blessed hair of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham
During Salat an-Najat I prayed for GrandShaykh Abdullah Faiz ad-Daghestani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and Mawlana Shaykh Hisham to support me in a court trial. Continue reading
Currency Trading (Forex)
I am interested in learning the currency trade. Continue reading
police & silver
salaams we have had serious problems with police over silver we had bought.. our home was searched all our silver and life savings taken by them. They took my wife to police station for questioning and then me. Continue reading
Q: I have heard that muslim men can wear only silver rings of a weight of 4 grams but I see many ulema wearing rings which look like more than 4 grams. Continue reading
Who is obligated for qurban?
Q: Who is obligated to sacrifice qurban? Continue reading
Dream: Grandfather Dying in One’s Arms
As last night itself, I dreamed of my late grandpa. He was suffering in bed because in the room there was a silver ring with a Saphire stone, and it was this ring which made him sick. He wanted to make duas on him, I cried for my mum to make it but in vain, he left dunya in my arms.[fr]As last night itself, I dreamed of my late grandpa. He was suffering in bed because in the room there was a silver ring with a Saphire stone, and it was this ring which made him sick. He wanted to make duas on him, I cried for my mum to make it but in vain, he left dunya in my arms.[/fr] Continue reading
Shaving Newborn’s HairQuestion: Couper les cheveux du nouveau-né
Q: Hope you are well and in the best of health, on the back of the question with regards to shaving of the hair after birth – is there any Islamic relevance to this?[fr]J’ espère que vous allez bien et avez une excellente santé. A propos de la question concernant le rasage des cheveux des bébés à la naissance -…[/fr] Continue reading