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Tag Archives: uncontrollable
Mystical sufi gatherings
I came across these videos on the internet claiming that they are a sufi gathering. I am really confused by this. Is it justified in sharia? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged electric shocking, emotional drunkenness, murshid, salaf as-Salih, shaking, spiritual ecstasy, sufis, uncontrollable
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Dream: Masjid an-Nabawi
I was sitting inside Masjid al-Nabawi ( alayhi afdalus salat was salaam ) waiting for Jumah Salah… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged acceptance, early, end of times, joy, Last Days, light upon light, masjid an-Nabawi, misguidance, protection, renew wudu, Salat al-Jumu`ah, shivering, Surat al-Kahf, tawba, tears, uncontrollable, weeping, ziyara, ziyarah
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Feeling Drops of Urine
I am 29 years old living in US and unmarried. Can’t afford to see a doctor as just finished studies and got a job… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Salat - Prayer
Tagged audhu billah mina 'sh-shaytani 'r-rajeem, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, call of nature, cleaning, concentration, confidence, doctor, dripping, helpless, irritated, prayer, Prayers, rely on Allah, restroom, salat, tawakkul, trouble, uncontrollable, urinate, urine, washing, water, wudu
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Fear of scolopendra
I live in the mountains in southern Spain and there are insects here called scolopendras…. Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged bite, block, cat, catch, clean, crawl, creatures, daughter, dependents, dry, enter, fear, fireworks, fumigate, home, house, insects, kill, leaves, legs, millipedes, mountains, painful, panic, peel, poison, pomegranate, protect, realgar, recite, rooster, root, saffron, scolopendras, scorpions, seek refuge, Spain, sting, stung, thick, uncontrollable
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Alcohol Addiction
I am told I come from the lineage of the Prophet, alhumdulillah. I have recently taken bayyah online from the Sheikh – Alhumdulillah he has accepted it… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged addiction, alcohol, alcohol consumption, Allah's Wrath, astaghfirullah, control, drinking alcohol, evil actions, istighfar, right path, uncontrollable, will power
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No control of what I say
1. I made dhikr of 70,000 hasbunallah wa nimal wakeel, 70,000 lailaha illallah, 70,000 salawat on the intention for keepin our Sultan Mowlana Sheik Nazim in the best of health… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged bad events, best health, control, dhikr, du`a, hasbunallah, la ilaha il-Allah, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, prayer, salawat, speech, uncontrollable, uncontrolled speech, upset
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Prayer Request: OCD and Cure
My mother has been suffering from a mental condition ever since her adolescence. Her obsession with maintaining order, organization and cleanliness dictates her entire life and often they take priority over her health, family or work. Continue reading
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged adolescence, battle, cleanliness, control, du`a, family, health, heart, insomnia, mental condition, mental health, mental illness, O.C.D., obsessive compulsive disorder, occupied, order, organization, peace, priority, suffering, uncontrollable, work
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If one enters the state of wajd (ecstacy) during zikr to the point they seem out of control, what should family members/friends around him do to help bring them back round if the person is out of control? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged dhikr, ecstasy, hal, spiritual ecstasy, spiritual state, uncontrollable, wajd
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Intense Anger
I want to find out how to control intense anger. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged anger, ghadab, uncontrollable, Ya Halim
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