Tag Archives: worship
Aim of my existence
I want to ask you about the aim of my being into existence as still I am not able to… Continue reading
Unpleasent thoughts whilst reading Durood.
I have a friend who when he sends durood upon the Prophet (Salalahu Alaihi Wasallam) a swear or a bad thought comes into his mind directed to the Messenger and his family. Continue reading
40 days
Thank you so much for answering my questions. I have heard the importance of… Continue reading
Missing Zikr and Prayer
I was given a small zikr of Hasbunallah Rabunallah 100 times daily and it’s been… Continue reading
Dream: Baby asks me to make dua
Awhile ago I had a dream about a baby that could speak. The baby was sitting and… Continue reading
Souls visiting their homes/relative on Specific days
Are the souls free to move around and visit places or are they confined to some places depending upon their deeds? Continue reading
What is Life? What is it for? What is the peak of spirituality? Continue reading
Requesting Advice From Mawlana Shaykh
Sayiddi, six years have passed since the day I came to know of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Q.S and ever since I have been receiving inspiration that I should abandon this worldly life… Continue reading
Level of education
Sir I want to ask question that about some hadiths the level of acquiring education is 70 times greater then ibadat (prayer)… Continue reading