Author Archives: Hajjah Naziha Adil
New Islamic year’s instructions
Question: as-salamu alaykum ya sayyidi. we love u very much and have no words to thank u for ur endless efforts and guidance.. my question is related to a recent email that we recieved about Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s instructions for … Continue reading
Awrad during menstruations
Question: Assalâmu ‘alaykoum wa rahmatullâhi wa barakâtuhu A’udhu billâhi minach-chaïtânir-rajîm, Bismillâhir-rahmânir-rahîm, Ya shaikh, I often hear “No shame fid-din“, but it is a bit difficult for me to ask you this question. I am not able to make my awrad … Continue reading
Rights of A Wife With Her In-Laws
Question: Salam Shaykh, Forgive me for having a lack of adab & complaining to you in any way Shaykh. I feel that my in-laws are very intruding into my marriage life. They control me & my husband a lot just … Continue reading
Labor & Anesthesia
Question: Does Mawlana have an opinion on taking anethesia (epidural, spinal) during labor? My wife is pregnant and wants to know as she heard it can pass to the baby. Answer: It is okay to take anesthesia (epidural,Spine). Hajjah Naziha … Continue reading
physically apart
Question: Salam alaikum and Allah bless you for the great work you are doing. My question is a bit personal but inshallah others will benefit. I have found after being married for many years my wife physically will pass many … Continue reading
About love
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, I recently attended a yoga chanting event and I really felt that my heart was able to open and so much positive energy and love, joy an inner satisfaction (as best as I am able to … Continue reading
Husband denying marital rights
I know that husbands and wives have rights over one another for sexual relations. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Return My Beloved to Me
I’ve keep praying almost a half year asking to Allah to bring me back again the man that I loved, to give us again a chance to restart again from the beginning our relationship that after 4 years it’s just ended like that. Continue reading
Shaving Head of Baby One Year Late
Q: We did everything except shaving our daughters hairs until now (she is almost 1) since it was a very cold winter and children cool down through their heads. What do you recommend? Continue reading
Qur’an and Menses
Q: Should women read or touch the Qur’an during menstruation?…[fr]Q: Should women read or touch the Quran during menstruation?…[/fr] Continue reading