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Tag Archives: company
how could I found out in which sector I could/should work
I didn’t find work in UAE. People in Damascus/Dubai help me searching work. I’m afraid I wouldn’t get along with work!… Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged apartment, Austrian, company, Damascus, Dubai, entry level, experience, factory, German, job search, Ministry of religion, position, positive sides, salary, special training, strengths, stud far, supervisor, talent, tawakkul, train horses, trust in Allah
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Making A Choice
Oh Sheikhs, we ask your advise and wisdom as we have come to a crosspath. I am currently working for a company… Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged advice, assist, benefits, better future, career, choice, colleagues, community, company, continue studies, crosspath, decision, diploma, educated, education, halal certification, help, Islamic Studies, job, learn, leave work, secular studies, service, wisdom
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Working in Banking software making company
Is working in a software company which deals with banking softwares haram ?… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged bank, banking software, calculate, company, disliked, functionss, halal, haram, impermissible, interest, knowledge of, permissibility, purpose, riba, riba-based transactions, software, sole purpose, unknown, validity, working
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Allowing non-Muslim staff to Celebrate Holidays
I would really ask for an opinion from Sheik Hisham as this is a very big problem for me. I live in a Buddhist country and as of yesterday… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged 1963, alliance, anger, birth of Buddha, board, bounds, Buddhist, Buddhist Crisis, celebrate, civil unrest, civility, common welfare, company, compulsion, country, courtesy, custom, da`wah, decency, decorations, employer, fatwa, fitna, flags, gratitude, high manners, imitation, impose, incense, intolerance, Madina, majority, mature, Medina, minority, mosque, mufti, non-Muslim staff, other religions, participation, peaceful co-existence, pictures, pluralistic society, Prayers, Prophet Muhammad (s), religious beliefs, religious sentiment, reply, rights, salaf as-Salih, sedition, self -confidence, shared values, simple living, Southeast Asia, staff, symbolize, Tawheed, tawhid, thankfullness, threatened, tolerance, Trinitarian Christians, vesak lantern, Vietnam, Vietnamese Christians, wrongdoers
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How to be at peace
Lately I noticed that whenever I focus on dunya matters, like doing well at work or going for higher degrees, I get into dunya mode and the heart presence disappears. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Allah's Pleasure, balance, company, dhikrullah, distractions, dunya matters, focus, heart presence, help, higher degrees, intentions, keep company, nearness to Allah, remembrance of Allah, sadaqa, sadaqah, schedule, sincere servants, strive, striving, struggle, Surat al-Kahf, time, worship, zakat
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Dream: Candies
I saw that I was going through a narrow street. I saw a small shop on one side. I stopped there to buy some desi candy/sweet. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged business, candies, candy, cheated, colleagues, company, desi, good relations, jealousy, money, salary, shortchanged, subcontinent, sweet, sweets
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