Tag Archives: harm
Dream: Killing the Snake and Lions
1) My mother saw one snake that bit her finger but the finger didn’t hurt… Continue reading
Dream: Pears and Young Mawlana
I dreamt that my cousin and I were called by a young Sheikh Nazim (q) to follow him. It seemed like it was after the Asar prayer… Continue reading
Dream: Job Given by prophet Muhammed PBUH
I saw prophet Muhammed PBUH in my dream, he takes me to a stage where Isa (AS) is speaking to the people and they are not listening , so Isa (AS) goes away from there in anger, … Continue reading
information about spiritual beings & sihr
What is this asma barhatiyah and its purpose?Is it permissible to practice? eg..BISMILLAHIL ‘ALIYYIL ‘ADZIMIR ROHMANIR ROHIMI BI ‘IZZATI BARHATIHIN 2 X, KARIRIN 2 X, TATLIHIN 2 X, TOURONIN 2 X, MAZZALIN 2X, etc Continue reading
Dream: Snake
I had a dream last night where I was in my house in pakistan and i had a horizontal cut which had blood coming out of it on my upper right thigh and a snake came out of it. Continue reading
Mixed martial arts
I am pursuing a career in mixed martial arts fighting (for example the UFC). Continue reading