Tag Archives: impermissible
Sharia punishments for women
A representative of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim said that a sharia punishments(such as execution for murder and chopping off hands for stealing) cant be carried out on Muslim women in a Islamic state. Continue reading
Help…handling pork
I am working in a supermarket. I arrange the products when they arrive. Some of these products are pork. However, I do not receive any salary… Continue reading
Tired of Dog Pooping & Peeing in the house
We adopted a pure-bred Chow Chow puppy from a breeder 3 years ago. This dog after 3 years has not learned potty training… Continue reading
Hookah pipe
My question is regarding hookah pipes… Continue reading
Working in Banking software making company
Is working in a software company which deals with banking softwares haram ?… Continue reading
Reading Quran without tahaarat
Can a person who is in need of ghusl touch Holy Quran without ghusl ?… Continue reading
Shariah Constraints in the Punishment of a Thief
Recently, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Allah preserve him, stated in an interview on al-Jazeera that even though the shari`a dictates cutting the hand of the thief,… Continue reading
Life insurance
IS it ok for a muslim to purchase life insurance for him self or his family.
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