Tag Archives: Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Mohammed SAW knowledge of unseen
I want to ask something from you about Islam.. as you know we ahl e sunnat wa jamat believe that the Prophet SAW has the knowledge of “unseen” right? Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Prophet Muhammad (s) on the Day of Judgment
I saw this dream on 16th of Ramadan. In my dream I heard a man saying that on the Day of Judgment Prophet Muhammad S.A.W will tell us or mention who are the true people… Continue reading
Dream: The word Mohammad
I was in a cafeteria drinking juice, and I saw an advertisement poster, on which there was a shrunk sized woman logo on the juice glass. Continue reading
Dream: Taweez of 313 messengers (As) + dream
I dreamt of a Muslim lady that travels and gives good things to people (I think she is Allah’s servant)… Continue reading
Meaning of Sunnah
In the terminology of usul al-fiqh or principles of jurisprudence, sunnah denotes a saying, action or approval related from the Prophet (s) or issuing from him other than the Qur’an…. the jurists have stressed that the basis for all acts of worship categorized as sunnah is “obligatoriness” not “permissiveness”. Continue reading
Can Prophet See Our Actions from His Grave?
Question: [Abdul-Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz, late Grand-Mufti of Saudia Arabia stated] “In the authentic Hadith, it is reported that the Prophet – peace be unto him-said: ‘(On the Day of Judgment, I assume the defence of some men by … Continue reading