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Tag Archives: schools of thought
Fiqh rules between 4 madhabs
My question is pertaining to fiqh; I am wondering whether one can follow the rules of one of the 4 madhabs but on a particular point follow the rule of another… Continue reading
Takbeer during salat
A friend asked me as we follow the sunnah of our beloved pbuh, why do we not raise our hands… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged madhahib, raise hands, salat, schools of thought, takbir
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Three questions about death
Is sudden death a rest for a mouemin. Is there a hadith stating this… Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged dead person, dead spouse, death, deceased, died, dissolved marriage, fatal illness, funeral, gift, good-bye, Hanafi School, hospital, impure, janaza, janazah, kiss, life companion, menstruation, mercy, mu'min, paradise, saqarat al-mawt, schools of thought, Shahada, sudden death, takhfif
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Reading Quran without tahaarat
Can a person who is in need of ghusl touch Holy Quran without ghusl ?… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged e-book, ghusl, good adab, hadith, haram, Holy Qur'an, impermissible, internet, janabah, madhahib, madhhab, Muslim, non-Muslim, permissible, preserved tablet, read, recite, salawat, schools of thought, state of purity, Sunni, tafsir, touch, verse, wudu
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Imaan and Islam
I am currently reading your book ‘The 4 Imams and their Schools of thought’ MashAllah an excellent book… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Ash`ari, belief, book, confused, decrease, faith, Imam Abu Hanifa, iman, increase, Islam, issue, Maturidi, perspectives, pillars of faith, proofs, schools of thought, Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
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Fiqah e Jaafariya
1- It is commonly known that Fiqah e Jaafariya originated from Syedna Imam Jafar Sadiq Alaye hi Salam.We do have a very respectable place for him in Tariqah… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jama`ah, Deobandi, fiqh, Ja`fari fiqh, jurisprudent, majority, massive majority, reliable, Sayyidina Ja`far as-Sadiq, schools of thought, Shi`a, Sunni, tariqah, transmission, unite, Wahabi
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Rape case
What are the four schools of thoughts views on rape cases, especially that a female needs four male witnesses to prove a case… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged accusation, DNA analysis, hadith, legal process, madhahib, modern methods, modern technology, rape, schools of thought, witnesses
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I would like to ask about the status of horn according to the different madzhabs, especially according to the Shafi’i school… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged animal, halal, halal meat, horn, Islamic slaughter, madhahib, madhhab, najis, purify, schools of thought, Shafi`i, slaughter
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Is crab haram or makruh?
Is Crab haram or makruh? Can we have, if possible, the list of animals that are makruh?… Continue reading