Tag Archives: sin
Dream: Sheikh Nazim 2 days in a row
I am pregnant and in my dream my stomach is cut open and my spleen is hanging out… Continue reading
Dream: Snake bite
i had a dream that i was walking somewhere (an unknown place, not knowing the destination) and a snake bit me. i was wondering what this could possibly mean. Continue reading
I am wondering that if a Muslim has done zinah in his past, how can he do kuffara for that sin… Continue reading
Mahdi (a.s), when Muhammad (s.a.w) is mentioned and hand reading
When Muhammad (s.a.w) is mentioned i see people kiss there thumbs and touch there eyes or something like that. Is this permitted, if yes why should we do it? Continue reading
Dream: terrifying dreams
I often dream about peoples death (sometimes people I know and sometimes people I dont know in real life). Sometimes I dream that their death was my mistake and that i had killed them. Continue reading
Family tiesLiens Familiaux
I’m just curious as to what the Islamic stance is on family ties and breaking ties with one another. [fr]Je me demande quelle est la position Islamique sur les liens familiaux et de briser ces liens…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Imam Mahdi (RA)Rêve : Vision de l’Imam Mahdi (RA)
Yesterday morning before Fajr prayer, I was shown Imam Mahdi (RA) in a dream.[fr]Hier matin avant la prière du fajr, on m’a montré l’Imam Mahdi (RA) dans un rêve. La couleur noire dominait durant tout le rêve :…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: God is Denied His Rights
I dreamt I was sitting at a table across Shaykh Ecref Efendi and that he tossed a cup of tea onto my right palm and then read my palm. Continue reading
Dream: Visitation (ziyarah) of a graveRêve: Visite (ziyarah) d’une tombe
In this dream, I was visiting a Grave (Qabr) which was leveled to the ground. That was the single grave there, and it was present in a huge (plain) grassland with beautiful green grass. [fr]Sayyidi! Pouvez-vous, s’il vous plaît, interpréter ce rêve que j’ai eu?[/fr] Continue reading