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Tag Archives: sister
Dream: Driving on through broken road and obstacles?
Thank you for all very much your answers on my dreams and visions etc. I had a dream where I am in the car with my sister who is driving the car… Continue reading
Dream: Of my Father
My sister saw that my dead father rahmatou Allahalaih, was sitting with her, my mother and my young brother… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bureaucracy, dead, deceased, died, disagreement, dress, father, follow, gold, hajj, harmony, home, instructions, jilbab, mother, passed away, prepare, silver, sister, sitting, spiritual adornment, stripes, white, work, young brother
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Dream: Two pieces of cloth
I saw dead body of my sis wrapped in kafan. My mother kept it folded in washing machine… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `amal, Ahl al-Bayt, black, buried, clothes, coffin, dead body, deeds, die before death, female, floor, folded, funeral, golden, holy verses, Imam Mahdi, janaza, janazah, kafan, male, mother, Quran, red, sad, Sayyidina Ali, silver, sister, visitors, washing machine, white cloth, wrapped, Ya Ali
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Younger sister Suffering
My younger sister is suffering with skin disease and under treatment since 8 years… Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged 2 raka`ats, 40 days, dhabiha, family disturbed, forty days, healing, health problem, high rewards, intention, medical condition, medication, mental condition, mental illness, patient, problem, qurban, sabr, sadaqa, salawat, Sayyidina Uways al-Qarani, side effect, sister, skin disease, suffering, treatment, water, wudu, younger, zabiha
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Dream: Seeing a purple elephant
I saw myself my mum and 2 sisters and brother doing sajda in my old house ( where I used to live when I was younger)… Continue reading
Dream: Car Crash
Me, my mum and my sister were in a car in the evening driving to a wedding. My mum was driving… Continue reading
Prayer Request: My sister and brother-in-law
My sister [private] and brother-in-law, [private] are going through rough times and they might get a divorce… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged blossom, brother-in-law, distant, divorce, hasbunallah, love, marital discord, marriage, problems, sister
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