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`Ibadat – Worship
Wudhu problem
I have problem of maintaining my wudhu. It lasts for very short time and I pass wind… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Salat - Prayer
Tagged complete, diet, flatulence, guest's house, intention, medical condition, medical treatment, passing gas, renew wudu, salat, salat jama`ah, shy, state of wudu, wudu
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Baitul mal
Kindly clear my doubt about baitul mal it’s benefit, and how it should not be misused… Continue reading
Posted in Zakat & Sadaqah
Tagged administration, assets, Bayt al-Mal, beneficiaries, community, donations, economy, infrastructure, khalifa, khilafa, Muslim state, poor, public benefit, revenue, sadaqa, salaries, Sayyidina `Umar, state funds, state treasury, trustee, weak, zakat
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Nafs tazzkiyya
I am 65 yr and recently became a mureed my heart is becomming literally hot, as if its a burning coal and when i do dhikr it gets hotter and hotter. It is becoming painful to do dhikr.
My daily routine is pray 5 times daily per Naqsh prayer book, In Tahajjud i read 1/2 juz/para quran, dalal Khayrat, Qasida Ghousia & Rasool, salat tasbih and salam ala rasool, Khatm Khwajgan, Hizb ul Bahr and started memorizing 30th para.
I am reading Nuffus, now im in 5th part ‘Ya Hayyu’. Can i get ijaaza to continue this. Please pray for me and instruct me on xtreme heat while dhikr and for better memory. Jazakallah Continue reading
Instructions on Ibaadat
Naqshbandi Awrad, Bashair Al Khayrat, Dua Al Huroof, Hizb Jalalahu, Hizb Wiqaya, Dua Khidr AS 1x, Durood Tunjina 1x, Surah Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged constancy, determination, dhikr, miracle, perseverance, Prayers, salawat, steadfast, worship
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Islamic rules for ladies
I have a question regarding when it is a must in the Islamic Shari’a in the Hanafi school for girls to pray 5 times daily and cover their hair in hajab? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Women's Issues
Tagged adolescent, baligh, buloogh, bulugh, ejaculation, faraid, fard, maturity, menses, menstruation, obligation, pubescent, wet dream
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Spirituality progress
I would like to know how long does it take to get to high spirituality levels when reading the daily award? if i am reading it everyday then how long can you estimate will it take me to reach Prophet Mohammad pbuh and what happens if i forget to read it one day or if i read only half up to ‘idha’ at magrib time and then forget to read the rest at fajar time… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
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Troubles and Trials after Making Dhikr
How are you? I would like to ask you again a question that I asked you and the other shuyukh while we were in the car in Jakarta… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged better, brother, dhikr, healing, lies, Prophet Muhammad (s), serious problems, stomach, tranquility, trials, truth, worse
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Missed Salah
I have an issue that im pondering on. Iv missed several prayers in my life astaghfirullah, and im wondering how to make them up. Also, iv read that there are some times in the day that it is Mukhru to do your prayers. Im an hanafi and i am just wondering when and how to make these prayers up, and if theyre valid or not.
JazakAllah Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged make-up prayers, missed prayers, namaz, qada, salat
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S.O.S.!!!: Consistency in waking for Qiyam al-Layl & Fajr
Alhamdullilah, I am very happy to be a lover of this Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Way, but I feel that my spiritual progress has been seriously hindered by my inconsistency in waking up for Fajr & Qiyam al-Layl. Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
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