Tag Archives: father
Moving to Australia
I’m currently in Denmark, and have been for the past 8 months but have been living in Australia for 20 years. Continue reading
Advice but it will Hurt Parent’s feelings?
My dad has a narrow opinion of everything. Continue reading
Hadith of Naheek
Q:regarding this hadith: was this based on the Prophet’s (s) specific knowledge about Nuhayk’s father? Continue reading
About Our Mother “Fatima az-Zahra RA”
I want to know that by what name Seyyidina Fatima Zehra RA used to call Our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Mother Seyyida Khadija RA ? Continue reading
Dream: Tasbih in a church
I’m in a church. People are waiting for the priest. Continue reading
Mom’s dream
My mom had a dream about me. She dreamed that she and her deceased father were standing in front of two roads. Continue reading
Nikah Mutaah
Q: Please can u enlighten me and the readers about the validity of nikah mutaah? Continue reading
Relation to my mom
Q: Since I’m around 16 years old, I decided to begin a relation with my mom (my parents separated i had around 2-3 years old and no relation with her after 4 or 5 years old, … Continue reading