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Tag Archives: king
I will be studying Othello soon, could you provide any reliable links on Ottoman History, so that i may be well equipped in defense of the Empire… Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged Kaikhosro, king, Moors, Ottoman History, Ottoman Times, Ottomans, priest, Prince Charles, Renaissance Man, Sayyidina `Isa (as), Universal man
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Dream: Mom n sis dreams
Sis dreamed we were in a mosque with the king n queen of our country.The royal couple have scholars sit on the right n on the left. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged king, marriage mosque, queen, scholars, shaykh
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Dream: I became Sayyidina Ali ra at kabah
My dream as if I was Sayyidina Ali (ra), I was in front of the ka’bah and saw a few people spreading the slander that I would attack the ka’bah,.. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, assist, attack, branch, defender of truth, destroy, European, falsehood, flute, heart, inhabitants, Ka`aba, Ka`bah, kill, king, long, Mecca, people of Haqq, plan, plot, pulpit, Salafi, Sayyidina Ali, slander, sword, Wahabi
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Dream: Span of a month
Salam Alaykum, Shiekh.
I had several dreams over the span of a month.
1) The first dream I saw was a solar eclipse in my dream I watched it from my room.
2) I saw myself polishing a sword in the desert with others .
3) The second dream I saw myself preaching on a cliff as men wearing white gowns were marshalling before me their were in three rows.
4) The last one made me feel the strangest of all. I saw myself on a throne wearing an white khamis long beard no crown with an white imama on my head. But in my right hand was a gold sceptre and in my left was a gold orb. Please interpretate for me Salam Alaykum. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `imama, bad sign, chaos, chaotic state, cliff, crown, desert, dethrone, ego, establish, fighting, gold, golden scepter, head, heart, help others, king, locality, long beard, marshal, men, orb, polish, preaching, problem, Prophetic kingdom, right hand, room, rows, Shaytan, solar eclipse, Sunnah, sword, Throne, turban, unseat, watch, white, white gowns, world
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Dream: Seeing a purple elephant
I saw myself my mum and 2 sisters and brother doing sajda in my old house ( where I used to live when I was younger)… Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Sheikh Hisham (QS)
1) At my uncle’s house, MSH sitting on sofa and I at there feet. They grab my nose and push hard until I fell back (it felt like my nose was breaking)… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged adab, appointee, break, dergah, dunya improvement, Hajjah Naziha, house, king, kiss hand, London, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, nose, protection, queen, respect, responsibilites, royal, royalty, shaykh, spiritual improvement, uncle
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King of marocco Hassan 2
the king of Marocco Hassan 2 is visiting our district. A lot of people welcome him. I kiss his hand.The imam of our district named Mahdi was behind me and told me that I was lucky to have kissed the hand of the king. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, al-Mahdi, Hassan II, king, Morocco, Sayyida Fatimah (r)
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Dream: Go to China
A few years ago I had a dream in which I was told to go to China. Then the dream was repeated and this time I saw my self in China, a voice said: THE KING WANTS YOU THERE. Continue reading
Dream: Kings funeral
I dreamt a while ago, that I was at a kings funeral with other people, Maulana Sheikh Nazim(Allah bless him) was there, my father a sister also, my father was explaining to me the reason why the king passed away because he had no one to protect him like in the way my sister was protecting me… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged al-Mahdi, father, funeral, janazah, king, Last Days, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, protection, sister, sultan
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