Tag Archives: room

Angels and hijaab

Salaam alaykum,
I have heard that the angels do not come in the room or a house where is a woman without hijaab. I mean in a normal clothes what she can use with mahrem like t-shirt and skirt, but not in full hijaab.
Is this true? And if so, should we woman keep the hijaab even at home, so the angels may come and give blessing to the house and its residents?
JazakalLaahu khayran. Continue reading

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Dream: Blessed grave of Rasulallah

Last night I had a dream. I was in a dark room with some other people and our… Continue reading

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Dream: Imam Mahdi

I had a dream the world is coming to an end like qiyamah people are just running no one cares… Continue reading

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Dream: Hajjah Naziha

Lately I have been very down and stressed out. MSH and Hajjah know already my reason for being so down… Continue reading

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Dream: Changing shoes with fiance

I had a dream in fajar time that my fiance has come to my house with her mother… Continue reading

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Dream: Hair falling out

a) My ex-wife saw 2 similar dreams whereby we were being intimate together in a dark room with curtains… Continue reading

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Dream: Mawlana sleeping in my house

I had a dream of Sheikh Nazim Saib that he is in my house and in my room. I feel happy in my dream because I think that as he stepped and… Continue reading

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Dream: Mawlana having red pupil

I dreamt about one of my relatives who does black magic on us. In the dream she goes out of the house and recites something… Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)

I was sitting on a chair in a room and there was a table in front of me on which there was the body of RasoolAllah(s.a.w) and it was his dead body… Continue reading

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Dream: Dream: Allah (swt) and our Prophet (sws)

I had a dream where I enter a room, in which there is a square outlined, to which I am told to do sajda as it is Allah (swt)’s House… Continue reading

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