Tag Archives: salat
Permission to use a certain dhikr
I met a Filippino mujahid who visited the Masjid an-Nabi (saw) in the early 90’s… Continue reading
Dream: We had the Exact same dream?!
Me and my friend were praying a salat in my home when we finished we noticed… Continue reading
Rules for Feet
belong to shafi madhab please could you provide me the ruling regarding wearing socks while praying for ladies… Continue reading
Lengthening Garments (Isbal)
1. What does isbal mean linguistically and in its Shar’i application? (Is there an opinion that it relates to trailing as opposed to merely lengthening the garment?)… Continue reading
Getting out of oath
I like to get out of the oath I took with Shaykh Hisham for Shyakh Nazim. I am unable to keep the practices… Continue reading
Blood stain appeared
My mother had just prayed Isha salah and came downstairs and when we returned back up,.. Continue reading
Request for specific Quranic recitation
1. My immigration file is under process pls give some zikr to have positive outcome… Continue reading
Continually missing Isha Salat
I’ve been missing Isha prayer since childhood – It’s like the energy is drained or hands tied down when I plan to make wadu for Isha – Continue reading