Tag Archives: Sayyidina Muhyidin ibn `Arabi

Was Algerian Emir Abdul Kadir Naqshbandi?

I am researching a curriculum about the Algerian mujahid Abdul Kadir and found mention of him on your site. Was he Naqshbandi? Continue reading

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Automatic writing

Could you please tell me if my gift of automatic writing is something I should embrace or not? Continue reading

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Where is Allah

A question has troubled me for a while. Is it correct to say Allah is everywhere with his knowledge and power but physically in heaven? or as Some people claim he is everywhere physically…. Continue reading

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ibn Arabi

What is wahdhthul wjood? Continue reading

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Spiritual Arkan

Can I please ask a question that’s puzzling me? This word “Arkan” which apparently means pillar has been coming up in my mind fairly recently… Continue reading

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Occupation of Prophets

What is the occupation of the Prophets in order they have to fulfill their own needs and for their family living? … Continue reading

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Fusus al Hikam

I have heard that the current editions of Sayyidina Muhyideen Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus al… Continue reading

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Days of Peace

Grand Shaykh Abdullah Faiz Ad’Dagestani Q.S. prophesied a time of peace wherein ever conflict will be put to an end. No one will expect war to ever return. Continue reading

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About this hadith of Nur Muhammad (s)

I marveled at this hadith that appears early on about Allah has ordered the pen to write for the kalimah 70,000 years,… Continue reading

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Ijaza for Hizb-ul-Wiqayah

I am Seeking permission to include Hizb-ul-Wiqaya of Sayyidina Shaykh-al-Akbar Ibn-e-Arabi(q)… Continue reading

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