Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Manner on seeing a dream

I would like to know if there are rules on whether you are allowed to speak about your dreams to the people close to you or not. For instance, sometimes I get dreams that are disturbing… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: daughter diagnosed with pancreatitus

I sent in a prayer request 2 weeks ago regarding mom wanting to work from home as I am not enough there 4 my kids & husband not able to sustain us on his own & regarding my brothr inlaw dreaming of Sheikh Nazim pointing to my daughter’s heart and being worried, She fell ill last week and has been diagnosed with pancreatitus which has also caused infection to her liver. She is not improving. pls make doa

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I request to both of Maulanas please pray for me and my family’s steadfastness on haqq and adherence to sunnah as i feel my self a very weak disciple of my sheikh . Continue reading

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Nikah misyar

I would like to ask permission through Mawlana Sheikh Hicham, to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, ya Sayydi, if I can make misyar nikkah,… Continue reading

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Dream: Cutting handy yaseen book

I had a dream that I was helping my mum get rid off some jinn that was in my house, and she was boiling a small pot of water in front of the house when she asked me to cut the handy yaseen book into half and put it into the boiling water… Continue reading

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Dhikr Ijaaza

Do I need permission to lead Just dhikr, not khwajagan, just basic dhikr, like ‘la ilaha illalallah, ‘allah, allah’ , and the asma ul husna ?… Continue reading

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Following Mawlana’s advice

we are 2 brothers from tariqa in France, we both saw Mawlana, and he told us to make free market(he said buy and sell)… Continue reading

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Pay Sadaqah and circling above head

We saw in our tradition, when we pay sadaqah we put our hand with that sadaqah circling above head… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Occupation without losing time to do tariqah obligation

I’m married and have one daughter, I have loss my job for more than one month… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: For baraka in income

Dad has small shop that is costing a lot more than what it brings in. Should he keep it?… Continue reading

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