Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Prayer Request: Dua for a sinner

I have a lot of trouble concentrating during namaz, zikr and wazifah and wish you will pray for me… Continue reading

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Excessive Fear of Allah SWT; cowardice
Excessive Fear of Allah SWT; cowardliness.

My Fear of Allah SWT is so much that once I thought that I would die from it… Continue reading

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Excessive Fear of Allah SWT; cowardliness.

Permission to visit Maulana Shaykh Nazim (qas) Lefke

My sister, brother-in-law, niece and myself would like to seek permission to visit Maulana Shaykh Nazim (qas) in Lefke before the coming of Imam Mehdi alaihi salam. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: OCD and Cure

My mother has been suffering from a mental condition ever since her adolescence. Her obsession with maintaining order, organization and cleanliness dictates her entire life and often they take priority over her health, family or work. Continue reading

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Should we stay or should we go?

My family had left Australia and my brother-in-law had left Singapore to come to India with the intention to do more for others through my father-in-law’s business. Continue reading

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Umrah question + halal question
umrah question + halal question

1) I am planning Insha Allah to go for Umrah with my parents in the Milad month. I would like your permission and prayers for me to be able to go. Continue reading

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umrah question + halal question

Dream: Mawlana Syeikh Nazim gives authorization
Mawlana Syeikh Nazim Give autorization in dream

O My Shaykh, in the earlier time when I took bayyat to Shaykh Nazim on the internet, after that through Shaykh Hisyam, once I have a dream between sleep and awake. Continue reading

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Mawlana Syeikh Nazim Give autorization in dream

Sunni in Shia family

I was a shia before I took bayyah with Maulana Shaykh Nazim in 2001 and became a sunni. I didn’t tell my parents, as they would have been very disturbed. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Istikhara for marriage of my sister
request for istikhara

I had previously requested you to pray for my divorced sister’s second marriage. My mother has found a boy for her Alhamdulillah. Continue reading

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request for istikhara

Prayer Request: For my father’s health
request dua’a for my father

My father, [private] (Mother’s name[private]) had just went through an operation but unfortunately there’s some complications. Continue reading

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request dua’a for my father