Tag Archives: Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

Prayer Request: I am in worry, please help me

I feel attraction in homosexuality and I always attracted by men and never attracted by any girl or women… Continue reading

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Trouble with Jin

I am [private] from Asia. I am writing on behalf of my friend (Naqshabandi murid also) which having problem with jinn that giving him and his wife in trouble…. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: First Child

My husband and I would like, inshAllah, have a first child. We have been married for just over a year and we feel the timing is right. We tried to conceive a few days ago, and I have to wait about two weeks before knowing if I am pregnant of not… Continue reading

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Married life

I have been married for 23 years and from my husband’s side I have no… Continue reading

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my sister she was being troubles by a jinn, and the response was to recite Surat Fatiha and blow around her, i also put Granshaykhs Taveez throughout the house… Continue reading

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Days of Peace

Grand Shaykh Abdullah Faiz Ad’Dagestani Q.S. prophesied a time of peace wherein ever conflict will be put to an end. No one will expect war to ever return. Continue reading

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Dream: Surat A-Laa

Dream 1; I am reciting Surat A-Laa during Witr and a force tried to stop me by… Continue reading

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Can a Jinn perform sex with your wife?

I am married for 24 yrs, my marriage has not been one that I can be happy about. Many arguments have filled my marriage… Continue reading

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Wird to Remove Homosexual Desires

Is it possible to know and get permission for a special wird that purifies totally from false (homosexual desires) and reorient to normal?… Continue reading

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Feeling Drops of Urine

I am 29 years old living in US and unmarried. Can’t afford to see a doctor as just finished studies and got a job… Continue reading

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