Tag Archives: death
Prayer Request: Help with a relationship
I have had over 20 girls reject me, girls who I wished to marry. The only 3 that did reciprocate,… Continue reading
Dream: Angel of Death
I have had 2 dreams now of the death angel watching me but not doing anything. Does this mean anything? Continue reading
Three questions about death
Is sudden death a rest for a mouemin. Is there a hadith stating this… Continue reading
Squeezing of the body
I awoke late night, I had a strong feeing the angel of death was at my window. I got up, made wadu, and came back to bed. I wanted to die on my right side,as i was turning, something pushed me hard on my back, and was holding me… Continue reading
Dream: Lady Minister
Some days back we had a strange dream!!! I was in a meeting with a lady minister in my country with other people too… Continue reading
Hadith on Future
“After judgement day there will be a day of assembly when people of heaven and hell will be brought together. A ram will be sacrificed… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Unwanted Feeling
I need your duas so that I am able to get rid of unwanted feelings that have made it difficult for me to move on from something that happened in past… Continue reading