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Tag Archives: mistake
Last week a marriage proposal came for me and he was perfect. He was what I had prayed for from Allah but I refused on a really stupid thing. It was my first proposal. Now I am regretting it very severely. Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged learn from mistakes, mistake, perfection, regret, rejected marriage proposal, repentance, second chance, suitable husband
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I’m a bad person
I have a question about what Grand Sheik Abdullah r.a said about certain people being kafer one day and believing the next… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged evil character, hatred, hopeless, horrible person, kafir, mistake, tawbah
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Is clapping permissible? either in Hadra or not. As some say there is a hadith where the Prophet (pbuh) forbade this… Continue reading
Damaged a person’s life
I had a very disturbing & unusual childhood/youth due to family & many things in my life have been a reaction of this… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged childhood, consequences, cursed, damaged, discrete, disturbing, forgive, happiness, immature, life, mistake, patient, prayer mat, Prayers, reaction, repented, seek apology, teenager, troubled life, unusual
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Prayer Request: convicted for crime
A friend of mine has been convicted for four years for money laundering. I don’t know if he was involved in this or not… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged compassionate, conviction, court case, crime, friend, honorable, intercessory du`a, judge, mistake, money laundering, over-turned, sadaqa
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Shariah Constraints in the Punishment of a Thief
Recently, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Allah preserve him, stated in an interview on al-Jazeera that even though the shari`a dictates cutting the hand of the thief,… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, History
Tagged coercion, consumer, criminal punishment. punishment, drought, evidence, famine, hadd, hunger, impermissible, inconclusive evidence, mistake, penalty, Sayyidina `Umar, Shari`ah, society, thief
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Dream: Murder
I killed a girl by mistake and I am trying to hide the dead body while the police is following me… Continue reading
Dream: Confusion about joining shadhiliya
I sent you an e-mail (2-3 months ago) to staff@naqshbandi.org before coming to tariqah in which I had narrated my dream that I had seen Grandshaykh Abdullah. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged baya`, desires, dream, initiation, interpretation, lower self, mistake, nafs, Shadili Tariqah
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Illegitimate child
I am a huge sinner. My husband and I had a child through illegitimate ways (zina). [fr]I am a huge sinner. My husband and I had a child through illegitimate ways (zina). [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Halal & Haram
Tagged al-Ghafoor, Allah swt, ar-Raheem, as-Sattar, child, corrected, fixed, forgiveness, happiness, happy, hope, illegitimate, marriage, mistake, nikah, pregnant, repent, repentance, sin, The Most Merciful, zina
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Mistakes during salaat
1) During salaat-ul-tasbih I forget to do tasbih at some stage. How do I rectify my mistake? Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged forget, forgetful, intention, mistake, niyyah, prayer, qada, salat, Salat al-Tasbih, Surat al-Fatiha, The Forgiver
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