Tag Archives: Muslim
Prayer Request: Inner conflict
For the past few days my heart is like in a war with it’s self. I am reasoning with myself that Islam is the true and best religion… Continue reading
Small Statue in my Bedroom
I found in a second-hand market a small statue in brass. It represents a Muslim with a beard, dressed in a tunic,… Continue reading
Dream: Taweez of 313 messengers (As) + dream
I dreamt of a Muslim lady that travels and gives good things to people (I think she is Allah’s servant)… Continue reading
Marriage with a Shia
I am an Indian Muslim belongs to a Wahabi family. I want to marry a Shia girl… Continue reading
Dream: Rasullulah (saws) and Abu Talib (ra)
AbuTalib (ra) was passed away on a slab before burial. The place was white marble… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Please Pray for My Mother
Alhamdulelah, for twenty years I have been trying to follow Mawlana Shaykh Nazim… Continue reading
Dream: Praying with my ex-boss
I met my ex-boss for a job interview (haven’t seen her for 2 years). I recognized her, but she didn’t… Continue reading
Dream: Feet of Shaykh Nazim
I had a dream about Shaykh Nazim, I was in the garage of my house and the Shaykh was with me,… Continue reading
Changing your faith
What is the Islamic ruling on if a Muslim leaves Islam and changes his/her religion to another e.g. becomes Christian?… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Love for our Shuyukh to increase.
I would ask forgiveness for any bad adab, please make du’a that I am not overcome by my ego, that my actions are not for show as sometimes I cannot trust myself to be sincere, and that I do not drown in the waters of arrogance and self-aggrandizement. Continue reading