Tag Archives: wali
Adab of Travel
Please tell me about adab of ziarah to Wali maqam… Continue reading
Ziyara and Hayd
Is it permitted for a woman to make ziyara of a nabi or wali during her menses?
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Karamat (Miracle) vs Magic
I was discussing with a Malaysian brother on the issue of karamat and black magic. He was saying that its hard to distinguish the two… Continue reading
Dream: The Day Of Judgement
I was in the street s of Makkah in front of Masjid-e-Haram.A man announces that the Qayama will occur after Jumua prayer. Continue reading
where is the Tomb of Imam Ali (A.S) ?
with apology i’m here to ask a question which is running through my mind for almost 3/4 yrs… I’m an Afghan and I used to go to North of Afghanistan to a city called: Balkh where there is a very huge, beautiful tomb Continue reading
Dream: Beautiful Man in a vision
(18 years ago) This was not really a dream but a vision like a blink of an eye… Continue reading
Physical gender and spiritual gender the same?
I would like to ask if a person can be a different gender in their spiritual form other than their physical form. Continue reading
Level of education
Sir I want to ask question that about some hadiths the level of acquiring education is 70 times greater then ibadat (prayer)… Continue reading