Tag Archives: Rabi` al-Awwal

Fasting on Rabi al-Awwal ?

We see that such practice existed among the shites (the shiite scholar al-Mufid (d.413H) for example as quoted by Marion Holmez’s in “The Birth of The Prophet Muhammad: Devotional Piety in Sunni Islam”) Continue reading

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Wird of Rabi-ul Awwal

I saw a video where Mawlana (q) prescribes the wird of the holy month of Mawlid. He recommends us to make 1000 Salawats daily… Continue reading

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Days of Peace

Grand Shaykh Abdullah Faiz Ad’Dagestani Q.S. prophesied a time of peace wherein ever conflict will be put to an end. No one will expect war to ever return. Continue reading

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Nikah In Ramadhan

My question is:
Is it permissable to get a nikah done in the month of Ramadhan? Continue reading

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About Ijmah of Scholars on the birth date of Prophet (s)

I was talking to a Salafi guy about the Mawlid Un Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam & he said that there is a ijmah of Scholars on 12th of Rabi ul Aw’wal to be the day of Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam’s passing away from this world… Continue reading

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Fasting on 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal

Many regards to all the team and Shaykh Hisham, Shaykh Adnan, Sister Naziha and our beloved Maulana Shaykh Nazim… Continue reading

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Is this bida`

If we do anything more than the prophet Muhammed saw did, does this count as biddah or love?
for example, fasting in rabbi al awal Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Isthikhara for marriage

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, Recently I have sent hadiya and a personal letter to you and have received confirmation that you have received them both, Alhamdulillah… Continue reading

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mawlana’s birthday

Q: I have read somewhere that Mawlana Shaykh Nazim was born on 12 rabbi ul awwal is this correct as I think I have read elsewhere he was born in shabaan forgive me for being nosie I am just curious as Mawlana is so SPECIAL. Continue reading

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