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Tag Archives: Shari`ah
Modern methods of Da’wah of Zakir Naik
Please advise us on the various aspects of doing Da’wah under the flag of the Muslims… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged argue, argument, da`wah, debate, debating, doubt, hadith, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, method, non-Muslims, Shari`ah, Zakir Naik
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Unbelieving doctors
In MSN’s internet talks last year I think I heard MSN critisize seeing unbelieving doctors. Does this mean dont see them?
Also, I saw a billboard advert about fast (internet access) without breaks, but I thought it might have been a ‘sign’ and advice, so i fasted everyday for about 3 weeks. My condition improved, but should I have carried on? Might I have been right in seeing a ‘sign’?
Posted in Health, Siyam - Fasting, Sunnah
Tagged `Ashura, advertisements, billboard, Day of `Arafah, disbeliever, doctor, doctors, Fasting, internet, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Monday, Muslim doctor, Nifs Sha`ban, sawm, Shari`ah, siyam, sohba, suhbat, Sunnah, Thursday
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Life insurance
IS it ok for a muslim to purchase life insurance for him self or his family.
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Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged calamities, death, decree, documentation, haram, impermissible, jurists, life insurance, majority, permissibility, policies, scholars, Shari`ah
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Changing your faith
What is the Islamic ruling on if a Muslim leaves Islam and changes his/her religion to another e.g. becomes Christian?… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged changing religion, Christian, Islam, murtad, Muslim, Shari`ah, unbelief
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Q:I took baya on the internet and recieved an answere with the daily awrad. I was very happy to take baya and waited anxiously for an answere. Continue reading
Blood donation
I was enquiring about sharia rules concerning blood donation and had different answers ranging from permissible to makruh, even haram… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged blood, blood donation, Charity, halal, haram, makruh, non-Muslims, permissibility, sadaqa, Shari`ah
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Needing help.
Q: I converted muslim quite quickly and followed rules very strickly, even though I felt some dissonance about some things. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Women's Issues
Tagged acceptance, Allah, Divine Law, evolutionary approach, faith, hijab, love, polygamy, Shari`ah, step-by-step
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Qadi Ruling Against Shari`ah
Q:Can someone please provide or direct me to any discussion amongst the fuqaha regarding a Qadhi who, in a particular scenario, gives a ruling explicitly against the Sharia due to some extrinsic reason, such as his having some emotional connection to the plaintiff. Continue reading
Natural fertility treatmentTraitement naturel pour la fertilité
My husband and I have been married for 12 years and we are still childless. [fr]Mon époux et moi sommes mariés depuis 12 ans et nous n’avons toujours pas eu d’enfant. J’ai adopté une fille, elle a 6 ans…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Health, Women's Issues
Tagged childless, fertility treatment, fertilization, husband, in vitro, infertility, natural remedy, Shari`ah, sperm
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Traitement naturel pour la fertilité
Dream: Blue eyesLes Yeux Bleus
I saw my eyes are blue and big(in reality I don’t have blue eyes). First in dream to see my eyes I thought that it’s not my eyes, but contact lenses, so I start observing my eyes.[fr]J’ai vu en rêve que j’avais des yeux bleus et larges (en réalité je n’ai pas les yeux bleus)…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged big, blue, blue eyes, business, cat, contact lenses, eyes, green, green eyes, inheritance, Islam, kitten, money, real, religious practices, Shari`ah
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Les Yeux Bleus