Tag Archives: waiting

3 signs time to panic

We understand that Sultan Awliya is leaving for Hajj this coming Nov and that in the near future Muharram which is in Dec, Istanbul will have a huge earthquake. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Waiting for ten years

I have known someone for just about ten years now and have known I’ve always… Continue reading

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Days of Peace

Grand Shaykh Abdullah Faiz Ad’Dagestani Q.S. prophesied a time of peace wherein ever conflict will be put to an end. No one will expect war to ever return. Continue reading

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Dream: Istikhara marriage

Brother,mom, me go buy white color sweets. I see a board with 2 on it… Continue reading

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Dream: Hajjah Naziha

Lately I have been very down and stressed out. MSH and Hajjah know already my reason for being so down… Continue reading

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Dream: Sayyidina Abu Bakr waiting

After I last asked you if I should follow my father, I had about three dreams… Continue reading

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Dream: Blessed Qaboors

(I don’t remember the 1st or last part of this dream) I saw 2 qaboor on the seashore covered with various sheets one of them… Continue reading

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Dream: Wedding

I saw that I’m getting married and I’m dressed in deep red colored dress with golden embroidery and I’m waiting in my room… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Need your Duas Ya Sayyidi!

My sisters are quite old and are looking for a suitable marriage partner for quite a long time… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Validity of Nikah

I did Nikha with a girl without our parent’s consent, as our parents would not agree for us to get married. They would not allow us to get married until we had finished our education. They knew that we would still see each other and we tried our hardest to convince them Continue reading

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