Tag Archives: fitna
Allowing non-Muslim staff to Celebrate Holidays
I would really ask for an opinion from Sheik Hisham as this is a very big problem for me. I live in a Buddhist country and as of yesterday… Continue reading
khatmu i-khwaajagan
My question is I would like to do khatmu i-khwaajagan on Thursdays in my area but I went 3 years ago and I saw haram… Continue reading
Dream: Building a home for Mahdi (aw)
I had a dream which began with me being in a crowd of people protesting, some looked normal others looked like ravaging zombies… Continue reading
Dream: Zikr by Allah(swt)
I saw this dream a few years back. I saw myself standing alone and watching the night sky… Continue reading
Dream: alone in ocean
I was on an inflatable boat with my sister and her daughter. We were all alone on ocean, no body and no land, only water. Continue reading
Dream: Being upset
I had a dream about a boy who i didnt marry for valid reasons and for the sake of Allah i remained quite even though he got engaged and was showing off to me. Continue reading
Dream: Super Storm Coming !!Rêve: Arrivée d’une super tempête
I dreamt that a voice was telling me what will happen and a Kitab was shown and there was no escape from east to west as a super storm is approaching.[fr]J’ai rêvé qu’une voix me disait ce qui allait arriver et un Kitab a été dévoilé et il n’y avait aucun moyen de s’échapper d’Est…[/fr] Continue reading
Confusion about living under the rule of a tyrantConfusion about Living under the Rule of A Tyrant
I am writing from Cairo, Egypt. I feel really confused these days regarding what is going on… Continue reading