Tag Archives: head
Dream: Span of a month
Salam Alaykum, Shiekh.
I had several dreams over the span of a month.
1) The first dream I saw was a solar eclipse in my dream I watched it from my room.
2) I saw myself polishing a sword in the desert with others .
3) The second dream I saw myself preaching on a cliff as men wearing white gowns were marshalling before me their were in three rows.
4) The last one made me feel the strangest of all. I saw myself on a throne wearing an white khamis long beard no crown with an white imama on my head. But in my right hand was a gold sceptre and in my left was a gold orb. Please interpretate for me Salam Alaykum. Continue reading
Dream: Vision on Ijaaza
I imagined myself in the tomb of Sheikh Ibn Arabi RA and requesting Ijaaza for reading Hizb Al-Wiqaya… Continue reading
Dream: Istikhara interpretation
I have been doing the istikhara pray and I did not have a long dream. I had a dream where I saw a head (human head) where the hair was removed… Continue reading
Small Statue in my Bedroom
I found in a second-hand market a small statue in brass. It represents a Muslim with a beard, dressed in a tunic,… Continue reading
Dream: Owl in dream
I dreamt I saw my mother in our former family home with an owl… Continue reading
Dream: Head shaved off
My wife dreamt that I have had all my hair shaved off, what does this signify?… Continue reading
Dream: Noor
My mother told me, many years ago she had her dream, where she is sitting in the middle and on the right and left are all women sitting with white clothes and noor reflecting off them… Continue reading
Dream: Turtle meat
I am a sister. In my dream, I saw I had an entire turtle which was already slaughtered so it didn’t have its head but rest of the body was there… Continue reading