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Tag Archives: seclusion
Dream: Istikhara marriage
Brother,mom, me go buy white color sweets. I see a board with 2 on it… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged blue, brother, decision, die before death, dress, ego, emerald, family consultation, fly, grave, heavenly rains, istikhara, Ka`aba, Ka`ba, love interest, mother, Muzdalifa, number, prophetic lights, roof, safety, seclusion, seeking marriage, shining, silver, sister, sphinx, station, Sura Saba' name, sweets, top, ummah, uncovered, waiting, white
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Dream: Muharram dream
I was in Iraq with my parents and brother. We were outside one of the holy mosques. It was sandy… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged advent, annihilation, appearance, awliya, birthday of Prophet Muhammad (s), brother, cloak, coins, Dala'il al-Khayrat, dhikr, Divine Presence, full moon, green, holy mosques, Imam Mahdi, inheritor, Iraq, jubba, kalima, khalwa, lentil soup, maqam, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, moons, Mustashar al-Mahdi, Naqshbandi Tariqah, parents, preparation, Qadiri Tariqah, Quran, recite, red, saint, salawat, sandy, Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Jilani, seclusion, silver cloud, sky, state, Sultan al-Awliya, vision
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To K. Tourk and J. Haddad (dream I gave birth to baby AbuBakr Essadiq)
I think you are right, I will spiritually inherit from Abu Bakr S eddiq(1st ranked in Naqshbandi chain) because I have been visited by a saint in 2007… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged cane, command, crazy, dhikr, globe, happiness, internet baya`, isolated, journey, lost, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mercy, muraqabah, online baya`, power, progress, Qutb al-Mutasarrif, saint, Sayyidina Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r), seclusion, Shahada, silver belt, sohba, spiritual progress, struggle, sufilive, suhbat, unseen world, usa, visit, wali, white beard, white cane, white cloak, white robe
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Dream: lailatul qadr ?
in 2009-2010, I ever iktikaf in the month of ramadhan, and one morning at around 1-3 am I was dreaming that I would get sholat sunnah, I was shock because at the mosque there are many people with black clothes and green line color… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliyaullah, congregational prayer, full moon, i`tikaf, masjid, prayer, ramadan, rows, saints, salat, seclusion
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Dream: listened and recited the holy aayath of quaranRêve : Écouter et réciter les aayath sacrés du Coran
i have seen in dream that one huge man entered into one house and after that i am hearing this aayath from ghayb (unseen) voice[fr]J’ai rêvé d’un homme immense qui entrait dans une maison, et tout de suite après j’ai entendu réciter une voix venant du ghayb (monde de l’invisible) ce aayath…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged al-Mahdi, Happy Cave, Magharat as-su`ada, provision, seclusion
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Rêve : Écouter et réciter les aayath sacrés du Coran
Dream: restaurant & du`aRêve: Restaurant et Du’a
I saw a dream today morning that I am in a restaurant with many people around and all of a sudden i cry and go to a corner, raise my hand and pray to Allah for something specific I desperate need.[fr]j’ai fait un rêve ce matin que j’étais dans un restaurant avec beaucoup de gens. Soudainement je me suis mis à pleurer et je suis allé dans un coin,…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged corner, du`a, dunya, hands, invocation, isolation, Muhammadan Cave, need, prayer, restaurant, seclusion, supplication, Surat al-Kahf, worldly life
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Rêve: Restaurant et Du’a
Dream: going into seclusion in the mountains
I am in dunya. Then remember that I once visited a very secluded valley high up in the mountains where there was an ancient secret Dergah with only a handful of people. Continue reading