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Tag Archives: Sham ash-Sharif
Life in grave
İ have a question about the people in the grave, many times you referd that anbiyyullah and awliyaullah body dont decompose in the grave.. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged awliya, decomposition, fragrance, holy graves, holy persons, prophets, saints, Sham ash-Sharif, Syria
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As hazrat Mahdi pbuh is coming this hajj less then 100 days are left. so it means with in 100 days war will happen Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged Dajjal, Imam Mahdi, Sham ash-Sharif, sohba suhbat
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sunnianswers.wordpress.com reliability?
Could Sidi Gibril Haddad please advise about the soundness of the articles and replies on the website sunnianswers.wordpress.com, written by Shaykh Abu Adam?… Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged `aqida, `aqidah, `ulema, articles, Ash`ari, biography, fiqh, fitna, Hanafi School, reliability, Salafi, scholars, Sham ash-Sharif, Sunni, translation, Wahabi
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Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and tariqa questionImam Mahdi (as)+ tariqa question
1) I live in the UK and was wondering that when Imam Mahdi (as) appears, where would be the best places to move to: Syria? Madina? Cyprus? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged awrad, dhikr, Imam Mahdi, intercede, intercession, mashaykh, Naqshbandi Golden Chain, Prophet Muhammad (s), safety, Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, Sham, Sham ash-Sharif, shaykhs, Syria, tariqah
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Imam Mahdi (as)+ tariqa question