Tag Archives: turban
Dream: A disappearing sheikh
I am asking this dream on behalf of a Shia/revert brother who is interested in learning more about Sufism… Continue reading
Dream: Maulana Syeikh Given Turban
Ya Maulana, I have a dream last three months ago that Sulthonul Awliya give me a cap complete with turban that he make it by himself… Continue reading
Dream: Elderly person
I saw an elderly person with a long white beard, turban (white color), ring, and dress which were all in blue and green… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Sayyidina Jabir ibn Abdullah (r)
Had a brief dream while back in which Sayyidina Jabir appeared, placed his right hand over his heart and greeted me,… Continue reading
Dream: Tulips on my Pregnant Wife’s Belly
My wife who is pregnant dreamt that there were drawings of tulips and roses on her belly with some Arabic scriptures above… Continue reading
Dream: Span of a month
Salam Alaykum, Shiekh.
I had several dreams over the span of a month.
1) The first dream I saw was a solar eclipse in my dream I watched it from my room.
2) I saw myself polishing a sword in the desert with others .
3) The second dream I saw myself preaching on a cliff as men wearing white gowns were marshalling before me their were in three rows.
4) The last one made me feel the strangest of all. I saw myself on a throne wearing an white khamis long beard no crown with an white imama on my head. But in my right hand was a gold sceptre and in my left was a gold orb. Please interpretate for me Salam Alaykum. Continue reading
Dream: Praying namaz on water
I was praying namaz in real and I had a vision that I was sitting on water and praying namaz without a prayer mat… Continue reading
Guidance about Zikr
I am a mureed of our beloved Sheikh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani from Uzbekistan. Right now I am studying in Sweden… Continue reading